If you're looking for a zesty, flavorful linguini and pasta sauce that won't leave you feeling bloated, this pasta dish has a ton of flavor without the added fat. This dish is great for a light summer dish and goes well with your favorite salad and...
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This wholesome stew packs a lot of flavor and nutrition. We know that you're busy trying to juggle work, family, and exercise. This recipe makes life a little easier. Just pop everything into a crockpot and forget about it, and 6 hours later you'll...
If you're like many Kenzai members, you love and crave Indian food but have found the butter and oil needed for many of the traditional dishes incompatible with your training diet. This dish is the answer to that dilemma! The spices in this dish...
People are sometimes intimidated by the idea of baking bread at home, but it's one of the simplest and most rewarding home cooking projects you can take on. Freshly made bread is...
This recipe takes a short time to cook, and takes care of your veggies and protein in one pot. The rice vinegar tenderizes the chicken and the vegetables add sweetness. You won’t miss the salt!
Chicken Saag is a simple dish that brings out the subtle flavours of fennel & garam masala. This dish tastes as good right off the heat as after a day with the flavours coming together over time.
Aubergines, also known as eggplants or brinjals are low in calories and fats but have lots of fiber to keep you feeling full for longer. When roasted and mashed they become a delicious spread to accompany roti, tacos, or sandwiches. This dish is...
This is a light, summery spinach stir fry - again a slight variation on a traditional Indian recipe. The potatoes are optional.
This is typically eaten in Kerala, India for lunch or dinner with rice and a light gravy dish. Leave the beans crunchy to eat as a salad or cooked through a little more to eat with bread or rice.
This colorful garlic flavoured pasta is easy to put together with any vegetables of your choice. The slightly burnt garlic gives a wonderful taste in a way that the need for cheese becomes quite redundant. The Veg Cutlet is a quick yet delectable...
Get in the best shape of your life
Unlike any other health options and short-term fitness programs, Kenzai provides everything trainees need to achieve their peak condition. Whether you want to lose weight, tone up, become a better athlete, or improve your quality of life, we have a Kenzai program to help you reach your goals!

Kenzai Nutrition is a 35-day program designed to help busy people get their diets in check. At the end, you’ll be prepared to tackle the holiday season in a healthier, happier, and more mindful way!
Next Start Date: January 11th

Kenzai Body is a 90-day program that will get you lean, strong, and focused with fast and efficient bodyweight workouts, customized nutrition plans, and daily lessons that work for everyone.
Next Start Date: January 4th

Gentle body-weight workouts, personalized nutrition, daily lessons, and a supportive community for trainees age 60 and up.
Next Start Date: January 11th