Chinese Tomato Soup

Written by Patrick Reynolds | Mar 25, 2018 12:12:00 PM

When you're training in the frosty winter months, it can be a real drag to face a no-carb dinner and the prospect of cold salad, cucumbers, tomatoes, and steamed vegetables (which cool off all too fast in the chilly air). That's when I turn to my trusty Chinese Tomato Soup. It gives you a lot of flavor without too much salt, doesn't cook the vegetables to death, and heats you up from the inside out while leaving you feeling full and happy. And it's ridiculously easy to make! If you've got an egg white on your menu you can even throw that in for a painless protein hit.

Chinese Tomato Soup


2 tomatoes
1/4 stalk of "negi" (Welsh onion) Any onion or scallion will work however.
600 ml water
Optional - 1 egg or egg white
4 tablespoons vinegar (apple, white, or rice vinegar works fine)
1 tablespoon soy sauce
1 teaspoon sesame oil
Dash of salt
Optional - fresh cilantro



Cut the tomatoes into wedges. Chop the negi or onion into small slices. Bring the water to a boil in a medium sized pot. If you're adding the egg, crack and beat it in a bowl and leave to the side.

Just before the water boils, add the tomatoes with a dash of salt. If you're going to add the egg, stir it in with chopsticks in one direction only, just as the water boils. After the water has started to boil add the negi or onion, vinegar and soy sauce. Bring the water down to a gentle boil, then drizzle in the sesame oil. If you're going to use cilantro, add it just before serving or as fresh leaves on top. Total cooking time is just 5 to 7 minutes!



Patrick is the founder of Kenzai, he's up at the crack of dawn every day looking for new ways to be the best human he can be in both body and intellect. He believes it all starts from your food choices, get your nutrition on point and you've got a decent shot at getting the other stuff right. You can find him with his wife and daughter in Berkeley, CA.